
Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change

Our planet is facing a triple global challenge of biodiversity loss, climate change and equitable development. Around a million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction – more than ever before in human history. And the climate emergency is exposing millions of people to extreme heat waves, threatening food and water supplies, and could leave a billion people affected…

The Magic of Blue Forests

What are Blue Forests? Blue forests are a common name for vegetation in the ocean and tidal zones such as kelp and rockweed, seagrass, saltmarshes, and mangroves. These different “forests” have significant value because of the vital role they have within marine environments. Why are they important?Many marine species are dependent upon blue forests. These…

Blue Carbon

The Magic of Blue Carbon! Blue carbon is simply, the term for carbon captured by the world’s ocean and coastal ecosystems. Human activities emit carbon dioxide, which contains atmospheric carbon, changing the world’s climate, and not in a good way!. What you may not have heard is that our ocean and coasts provide a natural…

Point of no return?

Twenty-five Tipping points pushing our oceans past the point of no return Entire ocean systems are perilously close to irreversible tipping points Our oceans are an interconnected set of complex and dynamic systems. Rapid economic growth over the past 50 years has increased humanity’s ecological footprint by several orders of magnitude, crossing several boundaries that…

Young Policymakers in Action

Our Indigo Life Ocean Advocate, ten-year old, Mateo, lives in Miami and attends Sunset Elementary Public School.  He recently appeared at the Miami-Dade School Board Session to ask for urgent and deep changes in the way schools handle plastics. He advocated for the elimination of plastic utensils and plastic cups in the cafeteria and also…

Great Pacific Garbage Patch

The Great Pacific garbage patch, also described as the Pacific trash vortex, is a gyre of marine debris particles in the central North Pacific Ocean discovered between 1985 and 1988. It is located roughly between 135°W to 155°W and 35°N and 42°N. The patch extends over an indeterminate area of widely varying range depending on…

Why is plastic problematic?

Plastic as we know it has only really existed for the last 60-70 years, but in that time it has transformed everything from clothing, cooking and catering, to product design, engineering and retailing.  One of the great advantages of many types of plastic is that they’re designed to last – for a very long time.…

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